What is stress?
Stress is our body’s natural physiological response to danger and can be defined as any type of change which causes us physical, emotional or psychological strain and discomfort.
It is our body's autonomous reaction to anything that is, or seems unsafe, or requires unsettling attention or action.
When stressors (real or perceived) are present in our environment, our biochemistry changes in an instant as part of our neuroendocrine system, which is activated and then switched off once the danger or threat is over.
Everyone is exposed to daily, short-lived stressors or experiences stress to some degree (exams, traffic jams, work deadlines, finances, heartaches, child falling off a bike etc...), as it isn't possible to live a totally stress-free life, however the way we respond to stress makes a big difference to our overall well-being, especially when stress becomes chronic, causing ill health.