Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT

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Emotional and Mental Wellbeing, Stress and Anxiety management, Motivation
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Digestive Health

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT, also known as 'Tapping', is a therapeutic technique that combines elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern psychology. It involves tapping on specific points on the body, typically with the fingertips, to alleviate emotional distress and promote psychological well-being.

Tapping sends calming signals to the amygdala, part of our brain where we store negative experiences and emotions, allowing us to feel safe. The combination of tapping and speaking to the reason(s) for the stress aligns mind and the body, reducing the automatic flow of feelings when memories get triggered. Experience how EFT can be helpful for you.

You can practice the EFT technique at any time you feel the need to manage emotions or reduce stress. It's flexible and can be done whenever it's convenient for you.

Here's a brief description of the method explained in the video above

1.   Identifying the Issue: Think of and identify a specific issue or emotion you’d like to address, such as anxiety, stress, pain, or a negative outlook on present circumstances. Give it a score from 1-10 (10 being overwhelming/worst)

2.   Set-up Statement: Formulate a set-up statement which acknowledges your current issue, while affirming self-acceptance and unconditional positive regard for yourself. This statement typically follows the format, "Even though I have this [issue], I deeply and completely accept myself."

3.   Tapping Sequence: While focusing on the identified issue and repeating the set-up statement, start tapping on specific meridian points on the body in sequence: outer palm, inner eyebrow, side of the eye/temple, under the eye on the ocular bone, under the nose, mid chin, collarbone, under the armpit (bra-line for women), and top of the head.

Each point is tapped several times in succession, while continuing to acknowledge the issue and associated emotions.

4.   Reassessment: After completing a round of tapping, please reassesses your level of distress or discomfort related to the issue you tapped on. You may want to repeat the tapping sequence a few more times, while adjusting your set-up statement to fit in with any shifts in your emotional state you might have noticed.

5.   Resolution and Integration: The aim is to reduce the intensity of any negative emotions you felt at the start, release any energetic blockages, and reinstate a sense of emotional balance and well-being within. This process may lead to insights and clarity, emotional release, and a shift in perspective regarding the identified issue.

6.   Maintenance: You can use Tapping anytime as a self-help tool to manage overwhelm, stress, anxiety, and a myriad of emotions on an ongoing basis. Regular practice can help to build emotional resilience and promote overall psychological health.

As an example, follow this 5 minute anxiety relief. You can also explore an app called Tapping Solutions.


Experts practising this therapy